[?] A summary of the violations found during the inspection are listed below.

No critical violations were documented at the time of inspection.

No violations were documented at the time of inspection.

Inspection Information

[?] Facility Type: Pool

[?] Inspection Type: Follow-up

[?] Inspection Date: 21-July-2023

The following violation(s) have been corrected since the last inspection.
3701-31-04 (B)(1)(c)/Minimum disinfection residual shall be maintained as required.
Pool chlorine was less than 1 ppm at time of inspection. Ensure pool is closed when disinfection levels are not met.
Operator came and raised pool chlorine levels.
3701-31-04(D)(6)(a)(2)/Pool free chlorine disinfectant residual shall be above 1 ppm.
Pool free chlorine disinfectant residual was below 1 ppm. Observed pool free chlorine below 1ppm. Operator came and raised pool chlorine levels above 1 ppm.
Do not operate the pool until the chlorine disinfectant residual is at 1 ppm or above.
Violations corrected.
