[?] A summary of the violations found during the inspection are listed below.

3701-31-04 (D)(02) / Public swimming pool is continuously disinfected using a chemical feeding device connected to the circulation system
Critical Corrected During Inspection The pool was not being continuously disinfected using a chemical feeding device connected to the circulation system. Informed that chlorinator was being shut off when pool was closed to save chlorine. Operator turned on chlorinator. Ensure that the chlorinator remains on and the pool is being continuously disinfected.
Repair or replace the disinfection system so that the pool is continuously being disinfected.
3701-31-04(D)(6)(a)(2) / Pool free chlorine disinfectant residual shall be above 1 ppm.
Critical Corrected During Inspection Pool free chlorine disinfectant residual was below 1 ppm. Observed pool free chlorine at 0.2 ppm at time of inspection. Operator raised pool chlorine levels to 2 ppm before the pool was opened to the public. Ensure that pool chlorine disinfectant residual is held at 1 ppm or higher.

3701-31-04 (E)(3)(d) / "WARNING or DANGER - POOL CLOSED" sign(s) posted-when the pool is closed
The pool was closed but the "WARNING or DANGER - POOL CLOSED" sign(s) were not posted.
Post the "WARNING or DANGER - POOL CLOSED" sign at all times the pool is not available for use.

Inspection Information

[?] Facility Type: Pool

[?] Inspection Type: Standard

[?] Inspection Date: 22-August-2023

All required safety equipment available
Pool water clear
Ensure that proper signs are posted on the gate to prevent patrons from using the pool when it is closed