Sampling Details
Sub Type: Other Special Feature: Location:
Area: 1800 Volume (gallons): 54000 Flow measure reading (gpm): Minimum required flow (gpm):
Disinfectant: Sodium Hypochlorite Secondary Disinfectant: ORP: Turnover Rate (min):
Total Chlorine (ppm): Free Chlorine (ppm): 10 Combined Chlorine (ppm): Total Bromine (ppm):
Alkalinity (ppm): 120 Pool water temp ˚F: pH: 8.2 Cyanuric acid (ppm):
Spa water temp ˚F: Spa water replaced every 30 days: Max Allow. Filter Flow (gpm): Max Allow. Flow: Jet pump capacity (gpm):
Max Allow. Flow: SF pump capacity (gpm):
[?] A summary of the violations found during the inspection are listed below.

3701-31-04 (C)(2) / pH is within 7.2 to 7.8
Corrected During Inspection The pool pH was noted at 8.2. Four (4) drops of Acid Demand lowered the pH to 7.4.
Raise and maintain the pool pH between 7.2-7.8. Adjustment chemicals were added at 11am. By 11:50am the pH was 7.8.

Inspection Information

[?] Facility Type: Pool

[?] Inspection Type: Follow-up

[?] Inspection Date: 30-June-2015

The following violation(s) have been corrected since the last inspection.
3701-31-04 (B)(6)(s)/Perimeter barrier is in good repair to prevent unauthorized entry
The entrance gate is self closing, but will not stay latched.
Repair the entrance gate so it will self close and latch. In addition, upon arrival the entrance gate was open (Gate was secured to the wall with a bungee cord. The gate must be kept closed to prevent unwanted access to the pool. Correct By: 30-Jun-2015
3701-31-04 (D)(02)/Public swimming pool is continuously disinfected using a chemical feeding device connected to the circulation system
Upon arrival, the lifeguard (Bruce) stated bottles of shock are being used to disinfect the pool.
Repair or replace the disinfection system so that the pool is continuously being disinfected. Mr. Rich agreed to Voluntarily Close the Pool (Sign is Posted). Correct By: 30-Jun-2015
3701-31-04(D)(6)(a)(2)/Pool free chlorine disinfectant residual shall be above 1 ppm.
The pool free chlorine disinfectant residual was noted at 0 ppm.
Raise and maintain the pool free chlorine residual at 1.0ppm minimum. Mr. Rich agreed to voluntarily close the pool until a free chlorine residual of 1.0ppm is maintained. Correct By: 30-Jun-2015
All other violations were corrected.
Note: Liquid chlorine is no longer being hand feed into the pool.
Reinspection conducted by Scott Bradley,R.S.