Sampling Details
Sub Type: Other Special Feature: Location:
Area: 1800 Volume (gallons): 54000 Flow measure reading (gpm): Minimum required flow (gpm):
Disinfectant: Sodium Hypochlorite Secondary Disinfectant: ORP: 755 Turnover Rate (min):
Total Chlorine (ppm): 1.5 Free Chlorine (ppm): 1.5 Combined Chlorine (ppm): 0 Total Bromine (ppm):
Alkalinity (ppm): Pool water temp ˚F: 77 pH: 8.0 Cyanuric acid (ppm):
Spa water temp ˚F: Spa water replaced every 30 days: Max Allow. Filter Flow (gpm): Max Allow. Flow: Jet pump capacity (gpm):
Max Allow. Flow: SF pump capacity (gpm):
[?] A summary of the violations found during the inspection are listed below.

No critical violations were documented at the time of inspection.

No violations were documented at the time of inspection.

Inspection Information

[?] Facility Type: Pool

[?] Inspection Type: Follow-up

[?] Inspection Date: 14-July-2023

The following violation(s) have been corrected since the last inspection.
3701-31-04 ( D )(6)(a)/ORP reading shall be 650 millivolts or greater.
ORP reading was below 650 mv. Reading was noted at 330.
Have the ACC unit inspected to determined why the ORP is low.
3701-31-04 (C)(2)/pH is within 7.2 to 7.8
pH was outside the range of 7.2 to 7.8. pH noted at 8.2
Treat the pool water so that the pH is within the acceptable range.
3701-31-04(D)(6)(a)(2)/Pool free chlorine disinfectant residual shall be above 1 ppm.
Pool free chlorine disinfectant residual was below 1 ppm. PIC corrected the chlorine level onsite. Ensure that the pool is able to be maintained at a minimum of 1ppm while in operation
Do not operate the pool until the chlorine disinfectant residual is at 1 ppm or above.