Sampling Details
Sub Type: Other Special Feature: Location:
Area: 1160 Volume (gallons): 35500 Flow measure reading (gpm): Minimum required flow (gpm):
Disinfectant: Secondary Disinfectant: ORP: Turnover Rate (min):
Total Chlorine (ppm): 1.5 Free Chlorine (ppm): 1.5 Combined Chlorine (ppm): 0 Total Bromine (ppm):
Alkalinity (ppm): Pool water temp ˚F: 79 pH: 7.6 Cyanuric acid (ppm):
Spa water temp ˚F: Spa water replaced every 30 days: Max Allow. Filter Flow (gpm): Max Allow. Flow: Jet pump capacity (gpm):
Max Allow. Flow: SF pump capacity (gpm):
[?] A summary of the violations found during the inspection are listed below.

3701-31-04 (B)(6) / Equipment is maintained per manufacturers specifications.
Repeat Observed missing skimmer weir. Ensure all skimmer weirs are in place and functional.
All equipment must be maintained in accordance with the manufacturers specifications.
3701-31-04 (E)(2)(e) / Working emergency telephone/call box provided.
Repeat Could not locate working emergency phone.
Ensure that an emergency phone is provided.

Inspection Information

[?] Facility Type: Pool

[?] Inspection Type: Follow-up

[?] Inspection Date: 15-July-2021

The following violation(s) have been corrected since the last inspection.
3701-31-04 (D)(7)(d)/Flow or pressure switch with a shut off valve shall be provided and tested monthly.
Flow or pressure switch for a shut off valve was not provided or the unit was not tested monthly. Records did not reflect that the unit is being tested monthly.
Provide records indicating that the unit is being tested monthly.
Ensure that an emergency phone is provided

No flow test was reflected in records. Test is done when conducting backwash.