Sampling Details
Sub Type: Other Special Feature: Location:
Area: 1440 Volume (gallons): 43200 Flow measure reading (gpm): 70 Minimum required flow (gpm):
Disinfectant: Sodium Hypochlorite Secondary Disinfectant: ORP: 679 Turnover Rate (min):
Total Chlorine (ppm): 1.25 Free Chlorine (ppm): 1 Combined Chlorine (ppm): 0.25 Total Bromine (ppm):
Alkalinity (ppm): 90 Pool water temp ˚F: 80 pH: 7.7 Cyanuric acid (ppm):
Spa water temp ˚F: Spa water replaced every 30 days: Max Allow. Filter Flow (gpm): Max Allow. Flow: Jet pump capacity (gpm):
Max Allow. Flow: SF pump capacity (gpm):
[?] A summary of the violations found during the inspection are listed below.

3701-31-04 (B)(4)(a)(iv) / Water temperatures are recorded daily
Water temperatures were not being recorded daily.
Take and record the water temperature at least once/day.
3701-31-04 (B)(4)(a)(vi) / Total alkalinity is tested weekly
Total alkalinity was not tested weekly.
Test total alkalinity at least once/week.
3701-31-04 (B)(6)(f) / Required turnover rates are sufficient
Turnover rates were 617 min.
Have the circulation system evaluated to determine why the turnover rates are not able to be met. Once the reasons have been determined have the issue repaired. If necessary, submit plans to the Ohio Department of Health to review and approve.
3701-31-04 (B)(6)(o) / Ladders/stairs/steps are in good repair/slip resistent
Ladder near the 3 feet depth was not in good repair.
Repair the ladder
3701-31-04 (E)(2)(a)(ii) / A USCG Type IV personal flotation device with 30 -60 foot throw line provided
Repeat Throw line was very thin.
Provide a throw line that is one-quarter inch in diameter.
3701-31-04 (E)(2)(d) / First aid kit provided
Repeat First aid equipment was not provided.
Provide first aid equipment, including a first aid kit, at the pool at all times.

Inspection Information

[?] Facility Type: Pool

[?] Inspection Type: Standard

[?] Inspection Date: 20-August-2014

Poll water was clear
Turn over rate was 617 min.
Filter pressure gauge noted at 17 psi.