[?] A summary of the violations found during the inspection are listed below.

3701-31-04 (B)(6)(f) / Required turnover rates are sufficient
Required turnover rates were not met. The observed flow rate was 150 gpm, this facility requires a minimum flow rate of 250 gpm.
Have the circulation system evaluated to determine why the turnover rates are not able to be met. Once the reasons have been determined have the issue repaired. If necessary, submit plans to the Ohio Department of Health to review and approve.
3701-31-04 (B)(6)(s) / Perimeter barrier is in good repair to prevent unauthorized entry
The pool is not officially opened, although the main enterance and a larger side gate was open allowing access to the pool even though it was closed.
If the pool is closed, all doors and gates need to be shut and locked as to not allow unauthorized entry when the pool is closed.

Inspection Information

Facility Type: Pool

Inspection Type: Standard

Inspection Date: 23-May-2019

Pool is not officially open - this was a pre-opening consultation with the operators.

The ACC is not currently functioning as designed. They are replacing the probes and the ACC is not currently monitoring the ORP or pH. They are manually feeding Sodium Hypochlorite through the chlorine feeder.

Chemicals were being stored on the pool deck, the operator stated this would be properly stored before the opening of the pool.

No safety line was in place between the shallow end and the deep end (greater than 5ft) - No ring buoy was present, not back board was present, no first aid kit was present or readily available - the operator stated that this will all be made available before opening and they just have not been brought out of storage yet

The pool was closed but the main entrance was unlocked and opened and the side, larger gate was open as well - the pool was not being supervised - It was conveyed to the operator that these need to be closed and locked at all times if the pool is not open

Lifeguard certifications were provided and copies were supplied - these will be added to our files.