[?] A summary of the violations found during the inspection are listed below.

3701-31-04 (B)(1)(c) / Minimum disinfection residual shall be maintained as required.
Critical Minimum distinfection was tested @ "0"ppm.
Adjust chemical feed to increase chlorine. Pool to remain close until minimum disinfection is 1ppm.
3701-31-04(D)(6)(a)(2) / Pool free chlorine disinfectant residual shall be above 1 ppm.
Critical Pool free chlorine disinfectant residual was below 1 ppm.
Do not operate the pool until the chlorine disinfectant residual is at 1 ppm or above.

Inspection Information

Facility Type: Pool

[?] Inspection Type: Follow-up

Inspection Date: 18-August-2022

Pool disinfection is still under the minimum 1ppm free chlorine. The pool will remain closed until the minimum disinfection of 1ppm can be attained.