Miami County Public Health conducts inspections of food facilities in Miami County, including within the City of Piqua.

Facilities listed under the Food category include restaurants, grocery stores, convenience stores, bars, etc. The inspection reports are listed by facility and by the type of inspection completed in the facility with the most recent inspection at the top of the row.

An inspection report may not be representative of the overall, long-term conditions within a facility. It is important to understand that the inspection information provided here shows only the conditions of the facility at the time of the inspection. A single inspection report should not be used to evaluate the overall operation of a facility. Looking at a facility’s inspection results over a period of time gives a more accurate picture of that facility’s commitment to compliance.

Inspection Frequency

Facility inspections are conducted one to four times per year, depending on the complexity of a facility’s menu and its potential risk of a foodborne illness. Inspection reports will become available throughout the year, as inspections are conducted per the frequency requirements.

Inspection Types


This inspection is the most common and unannounced to the facility. A local health department sanitarian will conduct a complete inspection to ensure compliance with the Ohio Uniform Food Safety Code.


This is an inspection for the specific purpose of re-inspecting items that were not in compliance at the time of the original inspection. These inspections are scheduled.

Critical Control Point (CCP)

This inspection may be scheduled or unannounced. The focus of this inspection is to identify and prevent food handling procedures that data has shown to lead to outbreaks of foodborne illness.

Process Review (PR)

This inspection may be scheduled or unannounced. This type of inspection is similar to a CCP inspection; however the inspections are conducted in facilities such as grocery stores or convenience stores. The inspection will focus on a specific process that may directly contribute to foodborne illness.

Thirty Day Inspection

This is a standard inspection conducted no more than thirty days after a license is issued to a new facility.


This is an unannounced inspection conducted as a result of a complaint received by a local health department. The specifics of the complaint will be evaluated and discussed with the person in charge of the facility.

Violation Types

Violations listed in the inspection report are either critical or non-critical as determined by the Ohio Department of Health and the Ohio Department of Agriculture.

Critical Violations

Violations of the Ohio Uniform Food Safety Code, which, if left uncorrected, are more likely than other violations to directly contribute to food contamination or illness. Examples include improper temperature control of food, and the improper cooking, cooling, refrigeration or reheating of food. Such problems can create environments that cause pathogens (bacteria/viruses) to grow and thrive, which put consumers at risk for foodborne illness.

Non-Critical Violations

Violations not directly related to the cause of foodborne illness, however if uncorrected, could affect the operation of the facility and lead to critical violations. Examples include a lack of facility cleanliness and maintenance, or improper cleaning of nonfood-contact equipment.

Please give us a call at 937-573-3504 or email at if you have any questions.