[?] A summary of the violations found during the inspection are listed below.

3717-1-05.1(O)(2) / Using a handwashing sink - other uses prohibited.
Critical Corrected During Inspection Handwashing sink in food prep area had linens being stored on it.
Linens removed from handwashing sink during inspection.

3717-1-02.4(A)(2) / PIC - Manager Certification
Facility did not have proof of manager certification in food protection on file. Ensure that proof of manager certification is kept on the premises at all times.

3717-1-06.2(C) / Handwashing sinks - hand drying provision.
No towels or drying device at the handwashing sinks. Ensure that towels are available at all handwashing sinks.

3717-1-04.4(Q)(3) / Utensils, temperature and pressure measuring devices - good repair and calibration.
No working thermometer found in walk-in cooler. Ensure that temperature-measuring device is repaired or replaced.

3717-1-06.4(F) / Drying mops.
Repeat Mop not hung to air dry. Ensure that all mops are hung to air dry when not in use.

3717-1-06.4(N) / Maintaining premises - unnecessary items and litter.
Plastic wrappers found on floor of dry storage area. Ensure premises are kept free of litter.

3717-1-06.2(I)(1) / Lighting - intensity (10 FC)
Burnt-out bulbs found in dry storage. Ensure that all burnt-out bulbs are replaced to ensure an appropriate lighting intensity.

Inspection Information

Facility Type: Commercial RFE < 25000 sq. ft.

[?] Inspection Type: Standard

Inspection Date: 28-September-2021

Discussed violations with Person In Charge.