Inspection Information
Facility Name: Wal Mart #1539
Facility Type: Commercial RFE ≥ 25000 sq. ft.
[?] Inspection type: Complaint
Inspection date: 15-June-2023
901:3-4-15(B) / Embargoing of food due to adulteration, misbranding, or expired baby formula or baby foods
Critical Corrected During Inspection Food in an RFE must be embargoed due to adulteration, misbranding, or baby food or formula is expired. Observed 1 can of baby formula with the label missing, and one can with the plastic lid damaged. PIC voluntarily pulled both from sale and discarded at time of inspection. Also observed 5 bottles of Kinderlyte with a expiration date of June 2nd, 2023. PIC voluntarily pulled from sale and discarded at time of inspection.

Complaint on 14-Jun-2023 :
Conducted and reviewed with PIC.
Emailed inspection.