Inspection Information
Facility Name: Aldi, Inc #48
Facility Type: Commercial RFE < 25000 sq. ft.
[?] Inspection type: Standard
Inspection date: 17-June-2019
3717-1-03.1(L) / Package integrity - specifications for receiving
Critical Corrected During Inspection Food package(s) received in poor condition. -Observed multiple ravioli cans and a luncheon meat can to contain dents on the seal. PIC removed from sale. Discussed ensuring employees are regularly checking cans when stocking shelves.

3717-1-03.4(A) / Frozen food - temperature and time control.
Foods in frozen storage exhibit signs of thawing or refreezing. -Observed ice drops on ceiling in walk-in freezer indicating thawing and refreezing of unit. Discussed limiting the amount of time door is open for stocking. Correct by 6-24-19.

3717-1-04.4(A)(2) / Equipment components kept intact, tight, and adjusted
Equipment components are not intact, tight or properly adjusted. -Observed the outer plastic shield on light in walk-in freezer to be in disrepair. Correct by 7-1-19.

3717-1-05.4(P) / Maintaining refuse areas and enclosures.
Repeat Improperly cleaned storage area for refuse, recyclables, or returnables. -Observed trash on concrete around dumpster area. Correct by 6-18-19.

3717-1-05.4(F)(1) / Outside receptacles - tight fitting lids
Outdoor refuse containers without tight fitting lids, doors, or covers. -Observed lids to dumpsters to be open. Discussed keeping dumpster covered when trash is not actively being taken out. Correct by 6-17-19.

Discussed inspection with Jay, Manager,

Copy of inspection report sent via email.

Verbally discussed:
-Observed residue in mop sink. Ensure mop sink is properly cleaned and free of residue.