Inspection Information
Facility Name: Dollar General Store # 14526
Facility Type: Commercial RFE < 25000 sq. ft.
[?] Inspection type: Standard
Inspection date: 28-March-2024
3717-1-02.4(C)(6) / PIC: duties - ensure employees are verifying food deliveries comply with code.
Critical Corrected During Inspection Person in charge not ensuring that employees verify foods are approved and received properly when delivered during non-operating hours. During inspection, PIC reported that staff do not check temperatures of refrigerated items upon receipt of delivery. CORRECTED, proper instruction given on taking temperatures

3717-1-02.4(C)(15) / PIC: duties - ensure employees are informed in a verifiable manner of their responsibility to report their health information
Critical Repeat Corrected During Inspection Employees are not informed in a verifiable manner of their responsibility to report information about their health. CORRECTED, a copy of the agreement was provided

3717-1-02.4(C)(17) / PIC: duties - ensure the facility has written procedures for responding to vomiting and diarrheal events.
Repeat Corrected During Inspection No written procedures for responding to vomiting or diarrheal events.CORRECTED, copy of policy provided to PIC

3717-1-04.2(G)(1) / Food temperature measuring devices - availability
Food thermometer not readily accessible. During inspection, no probe thermometer could be located for food temperatures; only ambient thermometers observed present
Obtain probe thermometers for use during deliveries
3717-1-06.1(M) / Outer openings - protected.
Repeat Outer opening not protected. During inspection, front door entrance observed with air gap at base of doors
Install seal at base of door
3717-1-03.2(R) / Food storage - prohibited areas.
Food stored in prohibited area. During inspection, outdoor display of bottled water observed near front entrance
Re-locate bottled water displays in a protected area indoor
3717-1-04.2(I) / Sanitizing solutions - testing devices.
No sanitizer test kit available. During inspection, test strips in use observed expired
Obtain current test strips
3717-1-04.5(D) / Nonfood-contact surfaces - cleaning frequency.
Non-food contact surface(s) not cleaned at the required frequency. During inspection, nonfood contact surfaces observed with food residue in reach-in yogert cooler and reach in freezer by frozen entrees
Schedule more frequent cleaning
3717-1-05.4(F)(1) / Outside receptacles - tight fitting lids
Repeat Outdoor refuse containers without tight fitting lids, doors, or covers. During inspection, dumpster lids observed open
Ensure dumpter lids are closed to prevent access by rodents
3717-1-06.4(D) / Cleaning ventilation systems, nuisance and discharge prohibition.
Repeat Ventilation system not maintained. During inspection, ceiling vent near front entrance observed with dirt and dust build up
Schedule more frequent cleaning of ceiling vents
Conducted inspection with PIC; reviewed inspection findings with PIC. Risk Level 1 RFE activities include: Pre-packaged refrigerated and/or frozen TCS foods