Inspection Information
Facility Name: Aldi, Inc #48
Facility Type: Commercial RFE < 25000 sq. ft.
[?] Inspection type: Standard
Inspection date: 22-March-2022
3717-1-03.2(C) / Packaged and unpackaged food - preventing contamination by separation, packaging, and segregation
Critical Corrected During Inspection Food not properly protected from contamination by separation, packaging, and segregation. Observed raw ground turkey and pork sausage stored over ready-to-eat (RTE) wine. PIC shifted product so raw product was not over RTE products.

3717-1-06.4(H) / Cleaning and maintenance of plumbing fixtures.
Plumbing fixtures unclean. Observed build-up of residue in the mop sink. -Correct by next standard inspection

3717-1-05.4(P) / Maintaining refuse areas and enclosures.
Improperly cleaned storage area for refuse, recyclables, or returnables. Observed miscellaneous trash items around the dumpster outside. -Correct by next standard inspection

3717-1-06.4(B) / Cleaning - frequency and restrictions.
Facility not maintained clean. Observed areas of floor to contain residue: special attention in meat cooler and walk-in freezer. -Correct by next standard inspection

Discussed inspection with Brittany, PIC. Copy of report sent via email. Copy of ODH's norovirus clean-up procedure to be sent via email with inspection report.