Inspection Information
Facility Name: Liberty Nursing Center of Mansfield
Facility Type: Commercial FSO < 25000 sq. ft.
[?] Inspection type: Follow-up
Inspection date: 14-September-2018
3717-1-04.5(C) / Cooking and baking equipment - cleaning frequency
Repeat Cooking and/or baking equipment not cleaned when required. -Observed burnt spillage in the far right Southbend oven.
Correct By: 21-Sep-2018
3717-1-04.4(N)(1) / Manual and mechanical warewashing equipment, chemical sanitization (chlorine) - temp., pH, concentration, and hardness
Critical Repeat (CORRECTED DURING INSPECTION) Chlorine sanitizing solution at incorrect temperature and/or concentration. -Observed the chlorine solution in the sanitizer bucket to measure 200ppm. Instructed food employee at time of inspection: The chlorine concentration should measure between 50-100ppm.

3717-1-04.7(B) / Frequency of laundering - specifications.
Repeat Linens, cloth gloves, and wiping cloths not properly laundered. -Observed oven mitts/pot holders to be excessively soiled.
Correct By: 21-Sep-2018
3717-1-06.4(A) / Repairing.
Repeat Physical facilities not maintained in good repair. -Observed coving to be missing along the north kitchen wall below the prep tables. New drywall has been added but coving is not in place.
Correct By: 21-Sep-2018
The following violation(s) have been corrected since the last inspection.
3717-1-04.6(C)/Hot water and chemical sanitizing - methods.
Food-contact surfaces and utensils not sanitized properly. -Hobart hot water sanitizing warewasher max temp measured 155.5*F. Maximum registered temp for this unit must reach 165*F minimum.
Correct By: 14-Sep-2018
3717-1-04.5(A)(1)/Cleanliness of equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils.
Equipment food-contact surfaces or utensils are unclean. -Observed the counter-mounted can opener (blade, stem, and mount) to have dried food on them. This is considered a food-contact surface (blade). Wash, rinse and sanitize every four hours when in use. Do not put equipment back into mount dirty.
Correct By: 07-Sep-2018
3717-1-03.4(G)/Ready-to-eat, time/temperature controlled for safety food - date marking.
(CORRECTED DURING INSPECTION) Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS foods not properly date marked. -Observed cooked and cooled baked spaghetti in the walk-in cooler bearing no date mark. PIC added date mark at time of inspection.
3717-1-03.2(D)/Food storage containers - identified with common name of food.
(CORRECTED DURING INSPECTION) Working food containers not properly labeled. -Observed working containers in facility which bore no label of contents. PIC began to address at time of inspection.
3717-1-04.4(A)(2)/Equipment components kept intact, tight, and adjusted
Equipment components are not intact, tight or properly adjusted. -Observed one of the exhaust hood vents to be missing.
Correct By: 14-Sep-2018
Discussed re-inspection with food employee Travis.

Inspection report sent via email.