Inspection Information
Facility Name: Marco's Pizza # 1085
Facility Type: Commercial RFE < 25000 sq. ft.
[?] Inspection type: Standard
Inspection date: 10-June-2019
3717-1-04.5(A)(1) / Cleanliness of equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils.
Critical Corrected During Inspection Equipment food-contact surfaces or utensils are unclean.Can opener observed to have dried on residue and an accumulation of debris. PIC had cleaned at time of inspection.

3717-1-07(B) / Poisonous or toxic materials: Working containers - common name.
Critical Repeat Corrected During Inspection Working containers of poisonous or toxic materials not properly labeled. Spray bottles of blue cleaner not labeled. PIC labeled at time of inspection.

3717-1-07.1(A) / Poisonous or toxic materials: Storage: separation.
Critical Corrected During Inspection Improper storage of poisonous or toxic materials.Bottle of degreaser observed on window sill above make table. PIC moved to proper location at time of inspection.

3717-1-03.2(Y) / Miscellaneous sources of contamination.
Corrected During Inspection Food not protected from contamination. Partially consumed beverages observed in walk in cooler on shelf above food for sale. PIC had moved to proper location at time of inspection.

3717-1-03.2(Q) / Food storage - preventing contamination from the premises.
Corrected During Inspection Improper storage of food items. Bags of onions observed stored on floor. PIC had moved to proper location at time of inspection.

3717-1-04.4(B) / Cutting surfaces.
Repeat Cutting blocks or boards cannot be effectively cleaned and sanitized. Cutting board observed to be scored and grooved so that no longer able to be effectively cleaned and sanitized. Please have resurfaced or replaced by next inspection.

3717-1-04.4(A)(2) / Equipment components kept intact, tight, and adjusted
Equipment components are not intact, tight or properly adjusted. Bracket on lid to make table broken. Please have repaired by next inspection.

3717-1-04.4(A)(3) / Equipment - cutting or piercing parts of can opener not maintained.
Corrected During Inspection Can opener blade dull or creating metal fragments. PIC removed blade at time of inspection.

3717-1-04.4(A)(2) / Equipment components kept intact, tight, and adjusted
Equipment components are not intact, tight or properly adjusted. Gaskets on reach in cooler with dough observed to be torn. Please replace by next inspection.

3717-1-04(I) / Nonfood-contact surfaces - materials.
Nonfood-contact surfaces constructed of unapproved materials. Shelf liner in walk in cooler observed to be peg board. Please repair of replace by next inspection so that it is non-absorbent, smooth, durable and easily cleanable.

3717-1-05.4(P) / Maintaining refuse areas and enclosures.
Improperly cleaned storage area for refuse, recyclable, or returnables. Area behind dumpster observed to have pizza boxes on ground. Please have cleaned by next inspection.

3717-1-06.4(A) / Repairing.
Physical facilities not maintained in good repair. Coving missing on wall by office. Please have replaced by next inspection.

3717-1-06.4(B) / Cleaning - frequency and restrictions.
Facility not maintained clean. Floor under soda storage and under oven observed to have visible debris. Please have cleaned by 06/17/19

Conducted and reviewed inspection with PIC Bianca Davis PIC.
Discussed cleaning frequency of box fan.
Discussed hair restraints standards and prohibition of latex gloves as of 03/01/2019.
Discussed frequency of cooling of wings and possible move to Level IV risk level.
Discussed fill level on make tables.

Emailed inspection.