Inspection Information
Facility Name: Liberty Nursing Center of Mansfield
Facility Type: Commercial FSO < 25000 sq. ft.
[?] Inspection type: Standard/Critical Control Point
Inspection date: 14-November-2019
3717-1-04.5(A)(1) / Cleanliness of equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils.
Critical Corrected During Inspection Equipment food-contact surfaces or utensils are unclean. Can opener blade had visible dried on residue. PIC had cleaned.

3717-1-04.5(C) / Cooking and baking equipment - cleaning frequency
Cooking and/or baking equipment not cleaned when required. Microwave observed to have dried on residue. please clean.
Correct By: 20-Nov-2019
3717-1-06.4(K) / Controlling pests.
Critical Presence of live insects. Fruit flies observed below produce preparation sink around drain. Please have treated by licensed applicator and provide invoice at re-inspection.
Correct By: 20-Nov-2019
3717-1-04.1(H) / Nonfood-contact surfaces - cleanability
Repeat Nonfood-contact surfaces not easily cleanable. Holes observed in back of preparation sink that allow splash but not access to clean. Please have closed up by next standard inspection.

3717-1-04.1(KK) / Food equipment - certification and classification.
Equipment not approved by a recognized testing agency. Kenmore fridge and freezer by range observed to not be commercial grade. When unit no longer functions as designed replace with a unit approved by a recognized testing agency.

3717-1-04.4(A)(3) / Equipment - cutting or piercing parts of can opener not maintained.
Can opener blade dull or creating metal fragments. Please replace blade before re-inspection.
Correct By: 20-Nov-2019
3717-1-05.1(D) / Backflow prevention - air gap.
Critical Insufficient air gap between the flood rim and the water supply inlet. Produce sink drain pipe is not equipped with a sufficient air gap from drain. Please have fixed by re-inspection.
Correct By: 20-Nov-2019
3717-1-05.1(S) / Plumbing system - maintained in good repair.
Plumbing system not properly maintained or repaired. Faucet leaking on three compartment sink in warewashing area.
Correct By: 20-Nov-2019
3717-1-06.4(H) / Cleaning and maintenance of plumbing fixtures.
Repeat Plumbing fixtures unclean. Plumbing under prep sink observed to have dried on food residue. Please clean.
Correct By: 20-Nov-2019
3717-1-06.4(A) / Repairing.
Physical facilities not maintained in good repair. Paint on ceiling in kitchen that was not in food prep area was observed to be flaking. Please repair so it is smooth, durable and easily cleanable.
Correct By: 20-Nov-2019
3717-1-06.4(D) / Cleaning ventilation systems, nuisance and discharge prohibition.
Ventilation system not maintained. Window air conditioning unit in kitchen had visible residue and mold in discharge vents. Please clean before next inspection.
Correct By: 14-Nov-2019
Conducted and reviewed inspection with Manager Angela Kinney.
Contacted plumbing inspector about issues with drain under prep sink.

Emailed inspection.
VI - P - TCS Food: Observed hot foods being held at 135°F or above; cold foods being held at 41°F or below.
III - P - Preventing Contamination by Hands: Observed food employee changing gloves when required.
III - P - Preventing Contamination by Hands: Observed food employee washing hands when required.
VI - P - TCS Food: Observed ready to eat TCS foods being properly date marked, and discarded when required.
II - P - Good Hygienic Practices: Food employee was demonstrating good hygiene practices.
IV - P - Demonstration of Knowledge: The person in charge is Certified in Food Protection.
I - P - Employee Health: The operation had an employee health policy on file.
III - P - Preventing Contamination by Hands: Observed food employee washing hands prior to donning single use gloves.
IX - P - Highly Susceptible Population:The operation was serving pasteurized juices to highly susceptible population.
X - P - Chemical: Toxic materials are properly identified and stored.
IX - P - Highly Susceptible Populations: Pasteurized eggs are used if served partially cooked.
VII - Protection from Contamination: Equipment food-contact surfaces or utensils are dirty.