[?] A summary of the violations found during the inspection are listed below.

3701-31-04 (B)(1)(g) / Water clarity shall be sufficient to see the pool bottom (or Secchi disc).
Critical Water clarity was not sufficient to see the pool bottom (or Secchi disc). Discussed with PIC at time of inspection.
Do not operate the pool when water clarity is poor.

Inspection Information

Facility Type: Pool

[?] Inspection Type: Standard

Inspection Date: 27-July-2023

Observed low water in pool at time of inspection. PIC noted that a leak was discovered in the pool and it has been difficult to maintain water level as of recent weeks. As a result, the water is below the skimmers and is not circulating properly. Water clarity was poor, unable see bottom of pool at time of inspection. Discussed with PIC that pool is to remain closed until water clarity improves and is verified by TCHD staff. Reinspection required prior to opening pool again. PIC unsure of timetable as board of trustees must be informed and matter is discussed further.

Observed newly installed land-line telephone. Confirmed phone is operational at time of inspection. Ensure proper signage is posted near emergency phone (address of facility and emergency phone numbers).

PIC in process of repairing self-closing gate to ensure gate is self latching.

PIC noted that Equipment Replacement Notification was sent to Ohio Department of Health to confirm change of filer media. Ensure copy of ERN is sent to TCHD for documentation and record keeping.