All public swimming pool and spa operators are required by law to obtain a license from the local health district. Facilities are required to be compliant with Ohio’s Public Pool/Spa regulations. Routine inspections during the operation of the public pool assess the operator's success in assuring that routine practices are conducted in a safe and sanitary manner. An inspection report is a “snapshot” of the day and time that the inspection occurred. On any other day, a public swimming pool could have fewer or more violations than noted on the report.

An inspection report may not be representative of the overall, long-term conditions within a facility. It is important to understand that inspection information provided here shows only the conditions of the facility at the time of the inspection. A single inspection report should not be used to evaluate the overall operation of an establishment. Looking at a facility’s inspection results over a period of time gives a more accurate picture of that facility’s commitment to compliance.


  • Inspection Frequency: Inspections are conducted at least once per year. These inspections are not scheduled. Re-inspections may be scheduled if a facility has critical violations that cannot be corrected during the inspection.

  • Types of Inspections

    • Standard: This inspection is unannounced to the facility. A local health department sanitarian will conduct a complete inspection covering all items in the regulations for compliance.

    • Follow-up Inspection: This is an inspection for the specific purpose of re-inspecting items that were not in compliance at the time of the standard. These inspections are scheduled.

    • Complaint: This is an unannounced inspection conducted as a result of a complaint received by a local health department. The specifics of the complaint will be evaluated and discussed with the person in charge of the facility.

  • Violations - Two types of violations may be cited:
    • Critical Violations: Violations of the Public Swimming Pool/Spa Regulations which, if left uncorrected, are more likely than other violations to directly contribute to illness or injury. Examples include:
      • Low disinfectant residual
      • Entrapment hazards
      • Improper circulation
      • Poor water quality
      • Inadequate number of lifeguards.

    • Non-Critical Violations: Violations not directly related to the cause of illness or injury, however if uncorrected, could affect the operation of the facility and lead to critical violations. Examples include:
      • Lack of facility cleanliness
      • Trip hazards
      • Record keeping
      • Inadequate safety equipment.